Publishing Calculators
Use the calculators in our system on your website.Publish Calculators that you create inside the system to your own website.
We now have the ability for you to “Publish” your own calculators that you have created in the system.
This enables you to update and create your calculators and them embed them into your website. This gives you a value add for your website to drive and engage traffic to your site, get new leads and qualify them. Also get return traffic coming back to your site and brand over and over again.
Optionally get a full list of materials emailed to yourself with the contact details of the lead. Give you customers a full list of materials needed or request a call back from one of your sales agents.
- Publish Calculators on your website to allow your visitors to work out flooring and cladding prices and the quantities they need
- Create an Material Order list for your client
- Engage with your client by getting them to register and receive a copy of the order by email and also receive the information yourself
- See your engagement level with Analytics
- Have all the analytics linked to you google Analytics account
- Edit and change all the information yourself, no need to pay a web developer to update anything.
Contact us now to find out how we can drive your business using our technologies.
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